Join us for Reveries!
Springbrook Masonic Temple
101 Temple Way, Vallejo
Reveries is a program of choral music from the French repertoire designed by VCS Artistic Director Andrew Brown, featuring the hauntingly beautiful Durufle Requiem. Reveries will be performed by the VCS Symphonic and Chamber choirs and a guest soprano soloist and will be accompanied by VCS Collaborative Pianist Ryan Lee and an orchestra of Vallejo Symphony musicians.
The performance of Reveries is scheduled for Sunday, March 29th at 3pm at First Presbyterian Church in Vallejo. Please join us for this not-to-be missed choral music experience!
Reveries Rehearsal and Performance Schedule
Symphonic Choir
Wednesday evenings 7pm to 9:15pm Jan. 7 to March 25
Springbrook Masonic Temple
Chamber Choir
Wednesday evenings 9:25pm to 9:55pm Jan. 7 to March 25
Springbrook Masonic Temple
Monday evenings 7pm to 9pm January 12, Feb. 23, and March 9
Heritage Presbyterian Church, 1400 East Second Street, Benicia
Dress Rehearsal – Symphonic and Chamber Choirs
Saturday morning, March 28 from 8am to noon.
First Presbyterian Church, 1350 Amador Street, Vallejo
Performance – Symphonic and Chamber Choirs
Call time: Sunday afternoon March 29 at 1:30pm (3pm performance)
First Presbyterian Church, 1350 Amador Street, Vallejo
Interested in Joining Vallejo Choral Society?
Vallejo Choral Society (VCS) is a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization whose purpose is to study and perform choral music. Membership is open to all persons 16 years of age and older.
We accept all persons for participation regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Persons become members by paying monthly dues of $25 and by attending rehearsals and performances. All members participate in the Symphonic Choir. Participation in the Chamber Choir is by invitation of Artistic Director Andrew Brown.
To learn more about singing with Vallejo Choral Society, please attend a Wednesday evening rehearsal or inquire at info@vallejochoral.org.